St John's Sunday Morning Service
We meet every Sunday at 10am in St John's Church, this is our largest service each week.
The livestream starts at around 9.55am. It's lovely to know who's joining us, so please say hello using YouTube chat.
Rooted - Sunday evenings at 7pm
Rooted will be back after the summer. The next service will be Sunday 8th September.
Rooted is our informal evening service, that runs during school term time on Sundays at 7pm for just an hour. Re-starting for the autumn on September 8th with a new series called "Mission Ready", focussing on Acts chapter 17.
There’s always a chance for Q&A at the end.
For more details about any of our services, please feel free to message us, or just turn up for a friendly welcome.
New Sunday morning series in Acts
We're starting a new series in our 10am service, called "The Hope of God's Promise", looking at passages from the book of Acts. All welcome!
Hope for Hartford
Hope for Hartford is two weeks of events in October, celebrating the 200th anniversary of St John's church building at the centre of our village.
Please check for more details.
Giving to St John's
We don't expect anyone to give money when coming to St John's. However, if you consider yourself a church member and are not currently giving to the Church but would like to, you might find it helpful to have information about the church bank account.
The details are:
- Sort code: 05-06-34
- Account number: 52275551
- Account name: The PCC of St John the Baptist
Updated for 2024! For more details about giving to St John's, please download our Giving Leaflet for 2024.
If you are able to Gift Aid your offering and haven't already completed a form, you can download one here. For a Bankers Order form, please click here (only needed if you don't use internet banking).