Lent Reflections

Our final "Lent Encouragement" is from Chris.

During lockdown I believe I was given a gift to write poetry and it helped me to express how I was feeling about events in my life and what other people were going through. It also enabled me to write a short book of poems which included Bible verses to help remind me and others that whatever trials we are going through we can always turn to God and cast all our anxieties on him.

Chris has written this poem, entitled "Have You?" for Lent.

Have you ever been betrayed by your close friends?
Have you ever driven a mountain pass with tight narrow bends?
Have you ever had a crowd baying for your blood?
Have you admired a craftsman working with wood?
Have you heard the cock crow all three times?
Have you savoured the taste of crisp white wines?
Have you worn a crown with spiky thorns?
Have you watched a sunrise as a new day dawns?
Have you had nails hammered in your hand?
Have you sat in the warmth and got suntanned?
Have you been sealed in a tomb with a massive stone?
Have you licked ice cream off a crispy cone?
Have you risen again after laying there dead?
Have you found Jesus and on his words fed?
Jesus died and rose to take away our sins. True pleasure in him, real love always wins.

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