Lent Reflections

Today's "Lent Encouragement" is by Mo, who describes herself as 'a single working mother of three children & not bad at cutting hair'.

During this time of uncertainty, the commandment I have been encouraged to look at is the second greatest. “Thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself” (Mathew 22:39) We are not called to ‘like’ everyone but to love them. Treating each other with respect, without judgement or prejudice, without preaching or personal preference. To walk with them where they are and to love them as Jesus loves us as imperfect beings. Not easy! As a member of St John’s we are studyong a book together called ‘Gentle & Lowly’. It’s such a wonderful book about the character of the very heart of Jesus. As imperfect beings we have sinned our way into his heart, but, He will not allow us to sin our way out. What security that brings into our insecure world; the greatest love we will ever know.

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