Lent Reflections

Today's "Lent Encouragement" is also a "Meet the new staff member".

My name is Nathan, I am engaged to Gypsey and I moved to Hartford in the beginning of December. Because of moving here during lockdown, I have yet to experience church or life in Hartford without restrictions! My role as Youth worker allows me to work with the 11–18-year-olds in our local community and reach them with the good news of the gospel. I see it as really important to get alongside our young people and properly invest in them, to show them that they have a wonderful God and are loved deeply by him. I came to faith through the youth work at Keswick so I have personal experience of how important this work can be! Things have been challenging starting a new job in lockdown and not being able to meet in person, but I have been really encouraged by the times we have been able to spend online and seeing young people engaging with the Bible.

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01606 872255

School Lane, Hartford, CW8 1NP