Arts Ministry

CREATED, a multi-sensory exhibition held in March 2024, showcased 83 calico hangings crafted by 150 individuals, including local schools. It entailed two distinct phases:

Firstly, the workshops, where participants of all ages and abilities were supported by professionals to create calico hangings inspired by nature, particularly flora.

Secondly, the multisensory immersive exhibition showcasing the hangings, together with a specially commissioned soundscape, where the emphasis was on nature, faith, beauty, and the passing of time.

Curated by professionals, the exhibition celebrated the work of ordinary people and attracted some 700 visitors. Each person was encouraged to touch the artworks, a radical departure from the traditional “hands off” gallery exhibition. This also symbolised creation-in-motion and enduring hope. Visitors were also encouraged to consider and celebrate the back of each painting, to see the beauty that had emerged of its own accord during the making process.

The prevailing comments from visitors were of amazement and surprise, and in particular emotions were heightened in response to the love and beauty portrayed - none more so than that demonstrated by God’s love.

A limited-edition book, integrating art history, theory, and theology, complemented the exhibition, available upon request.


The video above is muted by default - please click or tap the loudspeaker icon in the video to unmute and here part of the soundscape that was part of the exhibition.

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