Introducing St John's

196112_stjohnsmagazineWe have recently received a copy of St John's Parish Magazine from December 1961 - it is available here to download (it is a fairly large 3Mb file).

We would love to add to this collection, so other copies may be added over time. If you have any, ideally scanned to PDF format (but this is not essential), please let us know.

The following is a list of the vicars who have served in the Parish of Hartford since 1864. These are therefore all the incumbents since the present church was built.

Rev. Edmund Eddowes 1864-1908
Rev. Norman John Neil Gourlie 1908-1914
Rev. Harry Herbert Pitts 1914-1925
Rev. Ernest Scales Oliver 1925-1939
Rev. Frederick Philip Cheetham 1939-1958
Rev. Maurice James Fraser Wilson 1959-1969
Rev. Jack Wardle 1969-1978
Rev. Maurice P. Marshall 1979-1989
Rev. Dr. Paul Gardner 1990-2003
Rev. Mike Smith 2004

Contacting us

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01606 872255

School Lane, Hartford, CW8 1NP