Ages 5 to 11

brownies5th Hartford Brownies St John's have been our affiliated Brownie pack since early 2014. The Brownies attend a few services each year including our annual Remembrance Day Service in November (church attendance is not compulsory, but as many Brownies as possible are encouraged to come along). Each term we extend a special invitation to the Brownies (and their parents!) to join us in Church for a special ‘all age’ service.

Occasionally members of St John's staff will visit, often around Christmas or Easter, doing a talk and helping to run activities.

We are excited to have this link and be able to get together regularly.

To join Brownies please register your interest on the national Girl Guiding website - this website is also a source of general information about Brownies.

Contacting us

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01606 872255

School Lane, Hartford, CW8 1NP